Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Spring Time! :D

Okay, so the title should be "spring term", but whatevskis! It's been super great b/c my schedule is chill, I'm training for the MUDDER, taking advantage of the beautiful hiking in UT, and having fun w/ my roomies!
I love not having to work so much (even though the paycheck isn't super exciting), but I'm getting to spend more time doing research, volunteering at the Utah State Hospital, going to the temple, working with my substance abuse students, and actually being a good student! 

Isn't it beautiful?? :)

Yeah, we conquered that thang! (...also I look super conceited)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I love you Mom :D

This is my Mother!

She's taught me so many things in my 20 short years on earth (these are just a few):

1) Chocolate bunnies still taste good when they melt in the mail. 

2) Any holiday is a great one for a card! (and they make good wall art!)

3) Protein Bars are better than candy!
4) Minced garlic is easier to work with than the clove-d stuff. :P 

5) Even dolphins can use a hug sometimes!

6) It's okay to let teenagers break into your house if they are playing a joke on your daughter to make her birthday hilarious. :P
7) I am good at some things, like baking for instance
8) Sometimes you just gotta laugh.
9) Even though life is crazy, you can overcome your fears!
10) Posing for pictures can be difficult :P

11) As you get older, you don't always get taller.
12) Intelligence runs in the family :P
13) Doing things as a family is the best :)

14) Sharing is caring. (once I gave a chick from the opposing team my throwing shoes so she could throw... coach got kind of mad, but it was worth it to see a friend succeed. :D)
15) Always let dad drive!

16) Work hard, but have fun too.

17) Develop Your Talents!
18) I can mix a mean drink... even w/o alcohol. (thanks for the inspiration though mama!)
19) There's always gonna be obstacles in the way, but don't be afraid to take a shot.

20) Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Happy Mother's Day! :D