Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Humble Pie: Fall 2012

So I thought my semester would be looking a little more like this:
21-ish credits
3 jobs
2 intramurals

and my 2-ish year plan would look a little bit like this:
Sept-Dec 2012: School
January 2013: Mission Papers
March-ish 2013 to September-ish 2014: Serve a mission
September-ish 2014-April 2015: Apply to graduate school and finish up college

 and my graduation diploma would look a little more like this:
Heather Ann Lagrosa:
Psychology BS
Family Life Minor
English Minor

But at some point during this crazy kray-kray summer I've learned a little bit more about how I can listen to the Lord, and I've had more opportunities to act upon the promptings of the Spirit. I got to experience a different kind of goodness and happiness, because I desired to align my will with the Lord's. However, when school plans were coming back around, I kindof forgot a little bit about what I learned this summer... luckily though, for me, I have some great influences in my life who have reminded me of Who my blessings come from in the moments that I seem to forget, so I got my head on track a little bit, and put my heart and mind into prayer. I wish I could say that I recieved an answer immediately and am 100% happy and pleased with my new plan, but it took some time. Granted it is only the 2nd day of school, but I've been pondering for awhile (for those of you who don't know my OCD tendencies for planning/numbers/colorcoding/scheduling by some of my posts... well, I spend a great deal of time making plans and considering options... thats why I find time to make myself more busy! :P)... and anyway, I've been feeling peaceful about cutting back even if it is a little bit.

So now my plans look like this:
Fall 2012:
18 credits (2 audited, 3 online)
3 jobs
2 intramurals

2ish year plan:
September 2012 -April 2013: get my undergraduate
January 2012: turn in my mission papers
April-ish 2013- October-ish 2014: Serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
October-ish 2013- January 2014: Apply to graduate school and find some work :)

and my diploma:
Heather Ann Lagrosa
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Minor in Family Life

      I want more than anything in the world right now to just go an serve a mission, but I know that I won't be able to do my best without listening to what Heavenly Father wants me to do. As I prepare to give 100% of my time to Him for a short 18 months, I need to give 100% of my life to Him. I know I can be a missionary for my Father in Heaven without a black nametag. I know that when Sister Beck said this in her April 2010 General Conference address: "The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life", she was truly inspired. It's one thing to hear something and know it is ture, it is entirely another to let that truth change you, and transform you into a better person. 

     I am grateful that I know Who my strength comes from, and that I can talk with my Heavenly Father whenever I want... He always listens. I love the Lord, and I know with all of my heart that I am loved by Him. In Shakespear's Twelfth Night that says: "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them". There is another quote that states: 
     "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. it is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. your playing a small doesn't serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  -- Marianne Williamson in Return to Love
We all have greatness inside of us... now just because eveyone has greatness, doesn't mean that everyone is great. The choice to become is an individual one that has to be made with true intent.

<3 p="p">

"Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better"

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I never thought I'd fall in love...

4 states
71. 522 gallons of gas
2156.9 miles driven
5.649 billion bugs slaughtered
6 new cities explored
1 tiny crack in my windshield
1,000,000 memories made
Basically this picture says it all:

It all started at 12:09 MST on Friday the 17th of August...
One stop in the remote town of Glenn's Ferry ID with only one gas pump, anoter in Pendleton at a bustling gas station where I met a guy who had the most georgeous El Camino I've ever seen, around 11:11 pm I saw the greatest lights as I came over the Manastasch Peak, and then at :
~ 874 miles;
~ 2 bottles of water,  1 mountain dew, 1/3 of a DDP; 2 pb&js;
~ 12:37 min. later...

I've FINALLY arrived in Sophskiez room!

It was clearly a fantastic reunion :P
The next day while I was taking in some of the scenery with my baby Rebel, on our way into the greatest city on Earth, so really cool guys in the Subaru next to us posed for me :P
Don't worry, Sophskiez was drivin' :P
We went to Pike's Place market and saw a bunch of awesome stuff! Then we went to go by the water, and were disappointed when a juggler decided not to perform his routine. The sun came out a little bit, and there were some awesome picture taking opportunities :)

Basically it was beautiful :)

On Sunday Sophie gave an amazing talk in church! When we got home PONO CAME OVER! :D

I was contemplating all of the places in the world I'd like to visit! :)

Sister Wilson and Sister Santos are pointing to their AWESOME missions they'll be serving in for the next 18 months or so. :D

aaand I was writing down some of the driving stats/trip things/ making lists like I generally love to do.

And shortly after we took this jumping pic, I was packed up and ready to head North up to Bellingham!

Monday morning we had breakfast at the Baglery in bustling downtown Bellingham.
Then Kenz and I went down to the boardwalk and took some fun pics. :D
This girl is SO amazing!! :D
Then I took a 'lil trip down to Sammamish to see muh fro Pono! ... I mean muh girl Pono! :P And I STILL have issues saying Sammamish... but my phone, Gina, cannot pronounce Issaquah, soooo I'm not feelin' too bad about it :P
Those bandaids are in the pic like Elise would be if she wasn't in the MTC.
Pono and I feasted on some Mickey-Mouse-Head shaped chicken nuggets, and I got my first taste of Seattle traffic on my way south to Longview! But I still made it to Kara's house before she was done with work. Fueled up on coconut water, AMAZING leftovers, and bran muffins for dessert; home girl took me around town, and to the beautiful Columbia river in her janxy (but AWESOME) off-road vehicle--fully equipped with about 5 different handholds for me to grab on to. :D
We jumped off this cool lookin' stump.

and this was the only normal picture where both of us weren't lookin' too weirdsauce :P
Fueling up one more time in Vancouver, I said goodbye to Kara and to Washington, slept in Portland for a few hours and headed back to Provo on Tuesday.

This was the sunrise in OR! (also, you can see just a few of the bugs that  littered my windshield)
And now here I am, back in Provo, my new (and as of now, empty) apartment, anxiously awaiting school to start. I'm a little bit poorer, but my whirlwind tour of the BEAUTIFUL state of Washington was life changing. I never thought I'd fall in love, especially not with a city, or a little bit of countryside, but oh how my heart is singing, calling me back there.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy BIRTHDAY Bekstrandskiez! :D

So this is muh girl Rebekah Seastrand/Bekstrand/Bekstrandskiez
Let me tell you a little story about why this gril is AMAZING! :D
We met Freshman year in the Penthouse of Penrose Hall... (which is sadly now destined for demolish-ment), and we became pretty tight. She even stared in one of my early rap videos :P
Clearly, Bekstrand is AWESOME! :P

But seriously, I've been blessed to know this girl for about 3 years now, and since then we've had great times. Talks in heritage kitchens 'til 4 in the morning, phone convos from opposite sides of the country, spicy sushi (http://featherah.blogspot.com/2010/08/welcome-to-hellfire.html), crazy awesome concerts (Journey/Foreigner and Styx/REO Speedwagon)(See above), talks on random golf-cart benches in SLC, hikes with cougars, hikes up the Y, this girl has been just such a great example of what a friend should be!

I am so happy to call this girl my best friend, and I am so glad that it's her birthday today. She is SO AWESOME, we've been through ups and downs, and we made it together. Bekstrand is such a great example of love, patience, and Christ. Being around her makes me want to be a better person, and basically I'm just kinda really freak glad she was born! :P