Monday, October 28, 2013

Eatin' Elk - October 28, 2013

Howdy Family and Friends!

Transfer week is ALWAYS eventful! And the start of Chapter 4 was a good one!
When we got to Monahans, we went to work, and when we got home for dinner, we had Elk meat in our refridgerator! So, we've been eating some elk, and it's amazing.
But even more amazing has been meeting the wonderful people of Monahans! Our ward members are so amazing! I guess, members are always really nice to the Sister Missionaries, but it still never ceases to be wonderful! :D
Both Sister Rose and I were able to have an opportunity to stand up and bear our testimonies in sacrament meeting to introduce ourselves to the ward, and it was really great. On top of that, we were also able to teach our Gospel Principles class, as a companionship, during Sunday School, and it was all about prayer!
I just love how it's really just a deeper understanding of the simple things that really build our testimonies. There were many experiences shared during that short hour that testified of miracles, and Heavenly Father's perfect timing (while not necessarily our preferred timing), in our lives. One testimony that was particularly strong came from a woman who's returning to the church, and her family was recently baptized this year. They've been falling on some difficult times, and she testified of how much strength and Spirit come from prayer. She also testified about how when things just get a little too rough for her during the day, she alwaysjust turns to the scriptures, and she can find her comfort.
This week has been very humbling for me. I love how much joy there is in the simple things, and how great it is that Heavenly Father really uses imperfect people to move His work along. I am more and more amazed at His grace and love every day I'm out here, and I feel really grateful to be even a small part of His work.
All my love,
Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa!
1- My dream boots, I might purchase for my birthday? :D
2- Sister Hymas with our new best friend (an adorable puppy!) we met in Grand Falls!
3- Me and Sister Rose just brushin' our teeth, so we can smile big.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Chapter 4: Miracles in Monnahans! - October 21, 2013

Hi Family and Friends!

So exciting news, transfer calls came in and I'm packin' up and going to Monnahans! ... It's actually going to be really hard leaving this area, but I know the Lord's vision is broader than mine, and I really do love that town! I feel really blessed that I was able to work there for a day this transfer, and I'm really excited to continue to see the people that I was able to meet there!

I'll be there for at least 6 weeks, and my new companions will be Sister Hymas and Sister Rose! Both of them are awesome, and REALLY tall (especially compared to me) so we're gonna be a funny bunch spreading the gospel! 

The best quotes of this week are:
"How has Jesus changed your life today?" (which was going to be the title of this e-mail if transfers weren't happening.) But Alena, a woman we've not been able to really set up return appointments with said that to us, and it was just the most amazing beginning to talking about how having Christ at the center of your home can bring more peace and joy as a family.

"Where my book at!?!" This was said by JJ! He's a maintenance man we met who asked us for a copy of the Book of Mormon, but then he was sick and we hadn't seen him for a long time! So we were carrying around his book for like 3 weeks, and then we had to give it to someone else, becasue we were out, but we saw him the other day, and we (well, I guess Sister Turner, and the new sisters) are going to start teaching him this week! :D

This week was really great! I was a little sick this week, the weather is definitely getting cooler, and windy-er, but it's still a great time to be a missionary, and I've gotten well just in time for transfers! Miracles that have come to us this week have happened as we've taken members out teaching with us! It's so powerful to hear the amazing people from our congregation come out and testify! It's more meaningful in a way I feel, them not being a missionary, because all we do all day long is share the gospel, and they are "normal" lol, we're kinda weird as missionaries haha.

I'm sorry it's so short this week! But stay tuned for more miracles from Monnahans! :D

All my love,
Sister Lagrosa

1- We went to W's childhood home!
2- Our Goofy District :D
3- Us missionaries and our AMAZING Relief Society Presidency! :D

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Be Thou Humble"/"Adventure Is Out There!" - October 14, 2013

Howdy Family and Friends!
It was quite the week here in the TLM for this missionary! We bought boots on Monday, and were a little disappointed when it was really warm this week, but then yesterday it POUREDDD! I guess that's how winter goes here, it's a little cold, VERY windy, and the rain comes down!
Sadly though, there aren't many/ANY street gutters for the rain water to wash away in, so some of the roads become rivers! I was driving yesterday, and it kind of felt like we should've been canoeing instead!
So, yes, besides the crazy weather, this week was full of miracles! One of the sisters (Sister Fife) over in the 1st ward, (we are in 3rd ward here), had an appendectomy on Wednesday! It was truly a miracle that she made it that long, because she just thought she had the flu on Monday. Sister Turner is the Sister Training Leader for our little area of the mission, so we were in Monnahans on exchanges with the Sisters there when we found out Sister Fife was in the hospital! We drove back on almost no gas, but we were able to see her and have one of her companions stay with us for the night while she was in the hospital with her other companion.
It actually worked out really well to have 2 sets of trio Sister Missionaries here, because we're switching off staying with Sister Fife while she is recovering for the next week. It's humbling to know and experience that God is a God of miracles, and that He really is looking out for all of His children.
This really was a theme I saw this week. Heavenly Father's timing is PERFECT! ... and it takes a LOT of faith to trust it sometimes. When we were in Monnahans on splits with the Sisters there, it was amazing to witness the beautifully orchestrated timing that was SO apparent as there were 6 missionaries working in that town for the day.
When we returned to Midland, well, clearly Sister Fife was a miracle, but there was also beauty to be found in the timing we had as we were able to meet with our investigators we've been working hard to contact.
We taught Chris this week about the Plan of Salvation! Well, the first part of it. We spent a long time talking with him about why we are here on Earth and why there are so many hardships that good-and bad- people have to face. It was amazing the Spirit that was there as we testified to Chris about the joy that truly does come from this gospel. As we come to understand that relationship we have with our Heavenly Father and start walking that path back towards Him, we are able to get through EVERYTHING. We are meeting with Chris again tonight, and we are hopeful and excited to share with him more about where we go after this life, and the comfort that truly does come from the scriptures, as he continues to study them and pray to know if what we are teaching is true, that he will find that peace he is searching for in his life.
One other miracle that came to us this week was Anetta! We met her when we were walking around an apartment complex and she prayed with us. We saw her and read from the Book of Mormon with her on Friday, and Sister Tooley and I went back yesterday (while Sister Turner was with Sister Fife), and she didn't read the chapter we had left with her before because she had given her copy of the Book of Mormon to her daughter to read!
As we read from 3 Nephi 11 with her, we had the most amazing discussion about baptism, Christ's Sacrifice for us, and I was just in awe at the humility and truth that Anetta radiated. When we talked about baptism and how Christ walked 40 miles to be baptized by John the Baptist, who held the proper priesthood authority to baptize, she expressed how she knows that baptism by full immersion is how it should be done. This isn't always the case down here, with many different churches. I asked her if that was something that she desired -- to be baptized in the same way as Christ, and with the proper authority from God. She said yes, and I was able to testify to her that this is the great message we have to share. That the proper authority from God is again on the Earth today! We shared with her Moroni's promise in the back of the scriptures (10:3-5) and I promised her that as she reads and prays to know the truth, she'll get her answer that this book is true. And as she comes to know it is true, she will be able to strengthen her relationship with Christ so much more, and that we can help her to work towards baptism.
Being a missionary is quite the adventure, and I'm so grateful for those humbling moments that help me to remember my God that much better.
I love you!
~Sister Lagrosa
1- Me and Sister Fife at the Hospital
2- Me and Sister Tooley trudging through the rain while Sister Turner was with Sister Fife
3- Our street, which is actually a river.
4- I may have a peanut butter problem. I've eaten like 3 of those jars since I've been a missionary!

Monday, October 7, 2013

"I Always Wanted To Read That Book!" - October 7, 2013

Hello family and friends!!
The seasons are changing here in West Texas! Surprise! It gets cold! Also, I think my wardrobe is improving as a missionary, aside from the fact that I'm in a skirt every day, I bought a cute scarf today! Yep. I said cute, I know you're proud mom ;) Also, this week I've had more actual Mexicans think I was Mexican than I've ever had in my life! It was flattering, and I'm kinda bummed winter is going to start soon, and all my brown from knockin' is going to turn white again (which I guess works, so my 1/2 Filipino shows half the year and my 1/2 white side shows the other half :P) 
I guess the most amazing thing about this week, was general conference! I had some of the things I feel like I've known or learned before just sink deeper into my heart. Of all of the amazing talks, I really really enjoyed Elder Maynes' talk about facing challenges in our lives--some for a short time, and some for our life-time. Followed by Elder Scott's talk about weaknesses verses "open rebellion against God". It sunk into my heart how the trials that we are blessed to grow from in our lives are kind of like the friends that we are blessed to have in our lives: some are here for a day, a month, a year, or a lifetime, but all are there for a reason. Coupled with Elder Scott's counsel about how our loving Heavenly Father truly does know our hearts, and our weaknesses and imperfections. He doesn't hold us accountable for anything that we have not yet learned, and  He knows the difference between us struggling though trying to be obedient, versus completely disregarding His laws.
It reminded me of Proverbs 16:3 --> if we can consecrate our works to the Lord, He will establish our thoughts. As we try our hardest to follow Him, knowing that all we are experiencing in our lives-good AND bad- we allow ourselves to be changed and molded by Him. How great is that message!?! I just love that we are able in our time to not only study the great counsel and words from ancient prophets in the scriptures, but we have a living prophet and apostles today who are able to give us specific guidance for our time, in how we can find happiness in this life and the next. 
I also love that we don't have to take anyone's word at face value for it's truthfulness. We get to ask our Heavenly Father to know if it's true, study the talks that were given and receive a witness for ourselves from the Holy Ghost. As Rickey said about President Monson when he talked about his late wife: "What a powerful speaker for a white man!" You can feel the power, because he spoke with truth and with love.
And of course they talked a lot about missionary work! I'm excited for the work to continue to move forward, and have everyone hear more about the gospel, and hopefully want to learn more about it too! As a missionary, them talking about missionaries was just really exciting, and I realized more than ever how I need to let this experience that I'm having now change me forever. I know that the things I need to do to be happy aren't great, they are small. Small steps like personal scripture study and prayer every day, achievable goals to look forward to, and going to church every week to renew the promises I've made to God. Which also reminds me of this amazing scripture I rediscovered this week in Romans 15:4 (about reading the scriptures) - "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." The patience part is the difficult part, but hope comes from God's word! :D
I love the gospel and I love the simplicity of it in this world that is so complex. I love that God's requirement of us is so simple, yet we are able to grow infinitely, and all that is required of us to start is faith. Faith that He is there, faith that He loves us, and faith that He will lead us in the direction that will bring eternal happiness. :D
I love you!
~Sister Lagrosa
p.s. The quote is from an amazing woman, Sheila, we met this week, who immediately hugged us and invited us into her home. She said that (the quote in the title) when we gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon and explained how it is another testament of Jesus Christ. We have another appointment with her tomorrow, so we'll see where that goes!

also, pictures!
1- We went to the Petroleum Museum on Monday! And found this awesome trash can.
2- There was a fun exhibit with race cars.
3- All the sisters in Midland! (we did learn how pumpjacks work... and a lot more about oil, but sadly I've forgotten a lot of it, good thing y'all have internet to check it out for yourselves :P)