If someone asked me 5 years ago what I'd be doing after college I would have just laughed.
But that's me, just a few days ago... with a nice little cap on my head. (And the shirt that lets you know I'm trouble when I walk in ;)
In all honesty I never had plans for after graduation... I think that's why my mind was so set on serving a mission before, so I would have something concrete to come back to. And I was really upset (well mostly scared) when I realized that I needed to stay and finish up school. But I would have missed out on so much.
Namely: The craziest wilderness therapy [presentation] group ever!
feat: Nicole a.k.a. Munchskiez, Me a.k.a. Abu, Yarelly a.k.a. Ali and (not pictured: Karen a.k.a. Chumpskiez)
we all graduated together (even though Karen missed out on the best part!) :P
I would've missed this girl (Kelsie)
Who was my awesomesauce co-TA in the fall.
And I would've missed out on being the SHORTEST one of my friends! :P
And pictures proving that I'm (even though it's ever so slightly) taller than BOTH my Mom and Father!
even though I'm shorter than my "Daddy-Paul"
and we'd have missed out on this awesomesauce 3:1 parent-kid ratio pic! :P
In short, I'm happy to be a graduate. It's total weirdsuce to me. I've gone from having it all: 2 jobs, an apartment, a car, and a full-time student status in full-productivity mode to being completely job-less, homeless and unproductive in about 2 days...
I am pretty darn excited for the mission though. :P And the family-time I get to spend before then!