Howdy, howdy family and friends!
I hope you all had as an amazing Easter as I did! It was an exciting week, and we have officially been assigned to work as a trio (Me, Sister Jones, and Sister Savage) in both the Midland 1st and 2nd wards! It's exciting, but stressful! Ha, what missionary work isn't right? :P But, yeah, by the end of our 6 hours of church every Sunday we are more spiritually exhausted than normal lol. But it's great, and REALLY edifying.
Sister Savage and I we blessed to be able to give talks in one of our sacrament meetings, and it was amazing! It was so wonderful to give it on Easter Sunday, on the 6-year anniversary of my baptism and confirmation. It was a blessing to remember in an even deeper capacity that EVERYTHING we do is only because of our wonderful Savior!
And if you haven't already you should check out --> it's amazing!
So yeah, because of that talk I prepared for, remembering Easter, and tying it to missionary work, I was reflecting a lot on what the restored gospel means to me, and why it's important. In Relief Society (the women's meeting) I was called to reflect upon how the way I'm living my life aligns with my beliefs... some of these questions crossed my mind:
Why am I out here, when missionary work is so stressful!?!
Why is what I'm doing important?
Is this really the truth?
What does it mean to me?
I could probably write a book answering those questions but the answer came very simply, as I was being honest with myself: You are out here because this is the truth, eternal truth, not changing reality. This is important because you have questions, your faith needs to be tested, and you are learning through word and experience. You already know it's true, the more questions you ask, the more seeds of doubt people try to throw at you, you know the truth, logically and spiritually, friend. Because of this knowledge you have to act, you can't be passive and stand by, you need to go and do, and this hardship won't end. It will not end, but you already know that and the difficulty of the path is not going to keep you from moving forward, or helping anyone else who wants to do the same.
This was a lot to soak in, after the craziness of the week, but looking around the room, and seeing 2 chapels filled with families and children crawling and crying everywhere, I realized that life really doesn't ever slow down, and our trials help us to become stronger, in Christ, and He helps us gain the stamina to keep up-- mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually-- and it's all about His love for us, and the blessing that it is that we have people around us to lift us up, strengthen us, and remind us that we are doing good.
1 Peter 3: 14-17 "And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing than for evil doing."
I know what I'm doing out here is for righteousness' sake... and I feel that I'm just beginning to understand how this is going to affect the rest of my life, but I know with all of my heart that through the anxiety, through confusion, I know that it is upon the rock of my Redeemer that I have built my faith, and I have every reason to hope for a brighter tomorrow, a brighter today even, in this darkening world. I know this because I know whatever I do impacts far beyond myself, and all things done to suffer the will of God have eternal consequence... and that needs to be a focus of my life even when I'm not on His errand full time.
I love the gospel. I feel blessed to be so young (in my knowledge of it's fullness and in life), so that I have at least a minute more of time to continue learning more, and figure out how I can help others recognize their goodness. I'm grateful for the amazing examples I have around me, and for the hope that one day, I'll be able to remember everyone's name, and personally thank them for helping me along the path that I have taken so far.
I love that I get to share my testimony and teach others that this is the Lord's true church in it's fullness today. To witness to them how it has changed my life, and continues to change it as I commit myself to Him every day. Always remember that Heavenly Father loves you! If you have any doubt, take a moment to kneel and pray, if you are confused, He'll show you the way... as long as you are willing to follow Him.
I love you each with all of my heart,
Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa
p.s. sorry no pictures this week, I forgot my cord.