Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm Officially 6 Years Old! - April 21, 2014

Howdy, howdy family and friends!
I hope you all had as an amazing Easter as I did! It was an exciting week, and we have officially been assigned to work as a trio (Me, Sister Jones, and Sister Savage) in both the Midland 1st and 2nd wards! It's exciting, but stressful! Ha, what missionary work isn't right? :P But, yeah, by the end of our 6 hours of church every Sunday we are more spiritually exhausted than normal lol. But it's great, and REALLY edifying.
Sister Savage and I we blessed to be able to give talks in one of our sacrament meetings, and it was amazing! It was so wonderful to give it on Easter Sunday, on the 6-year anniversary of my baptism and confirmation. It was a blessing to remember in an even deeper capacity that EVERYTHING we do is only because of our wonderful Savior!
And if you haven't already you should check out Mormon.org/becauseofhim --> it's amazing!
So yeah, because of that talk I prepared for, remembering Easter, and tying it to missionary work, I was reflecting a lot on what the restored gospel means to me, and why it's important. In Relief Society (the women's meeting) I was called to reflect upon how the way I'm living my life aligns with my beliefs... some of these questions crossed my mind:
Why am I out here, when missionary work is so stressful!?!
Why is what I'm doing important?
Is this really the truth?
What does it mean to me?
I could probably write a book answering those questions but the answer came very simply, as I was being honest with myself: You are out here because this is the truth, eternal truth, not changing reality. This is important because you have questions, your faith needs to be tested, and you are learning through word and experience. You already know it's true, the more questions you ask, the more seeds of doubt people try to throw at you, you know the truth, logically and spiritually, friend. Because of this knowledge you have to act, you can't be passive and stand by, you need to go and do, and this hardship won't end. It will not end, but you already know that and the difficulty of the path is not going to keep you from moving forward, or helping anyone else who wants to do the same.
This was a lot to soak in, after the craziness of the week, but looking around the room, and seeing 2 chapels filled with families and children crawling and crying everywhere, I realized that life really doesn't ever slow down, and our trials help us to become stronger, in Christ, and He helps us gain the stamina to keep up-- mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually-- and it's all about His love for us, and the blessing that it is that we have people around us to lift us up, strengthen us, and remind us that we are doing good.
1 Peter 3: 14-17 "And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing than for evil doing."
I know what I'm doing out here is for righteousness' sake... and I feel that I'm just beginning to understand how this is going to affect the rest of my life, but I know with all of my heart that through the anxiety, through confusion, I know that it is upon the rock of my Redeemer that I have built my faith, and I have every reason to hope for a brighter tomorrow, a brighter today even, in this darkening world. I know this because I know whatever I do impacts far beyond myself, and all things done to suffer the will of God have eternal consequence... and that needs to be a focus of my life even when I'm not on His errand full time.
I love the gospel. I feel blessed to be so young (in my knowledge of it's fullness and in life), so that I have at least a minute more of time to continue learning more, and figure out how I can help others recognize their goodness. I'm grateful for the amazing examples I have around me, and for the hope that one day, I'll be able to remember everyone's name, and personally thank them for helping me along the path that I have taken so far.
I love that I get to share my testimony and teach others that this is the Lord's true church in it's fullness today. To witness to them how it has changed my life, and continues to change it as I commit myself to Him every day. Always remember that Heavenly Father loves you! If you have any doubt, take a moment to kneel and pray, if you are confused, He'll show you the way... as long as you are willing to follow Him.
I love you each with all of my heart,
Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa
p.s. sorry no pictures this week, I forgot my cord.

Monday, April 14, 2014

"Praying on our knees for one more day every night." - April 14, 2014

Howdy howdy family and friends!
Oh boy, has it been an interesting week! Last Monday the skies of Hobbs opened up and it rained... (probably because it was sad I was leaving lol) and then I got to Midland Wednesday afternoon, and it poured! In a very non-literal way. I'm pretty sure I felt homesickness for the first time in my life with how much I was missing Hobbs (which was good, I have a much better understanding now of how difficult it is for missionaries to get out here to the field) Also, missionary work is always a surprise, and I feel like leaving Hobbs, time really caught up to me! Has it really already been 4 months since Christmas!?!? Is my 6th (re)birthday really this weekend!?!?!
The answers to both of those questions: YES! Time is flying. whew, but my re-welcome to Midland was quite different than 7 months ago when I first came in. Seeing a great volume of people wasn't as anxiety-inducing, but I forgot what driving in traffic was like, and I was a little nervous for coming in brand-new to a ward... again. At least I felt more prepared than being fresh out of training in the boonies like I was last time. But naturally, trials came, haha, and to our great surprise, we ended up in a trio. So yeah, Sister Savage and I got to have Sister Jones with us! Her companion didn't make it from the MTC (don't worry, they didn't kill her or anything... she just got sick :P) but yeah, so we are now blessed to have the three of us covering 1st and 2nd ward here in Midland.
Good news: the gospel! Also, I can now say I've served in all 3 wards here in Midland, and I got to experience for the first time in my life 6 hours of church on Sunday! ...that is a LOT of church! But it's nice to not have the same sermon every meeting :P
Also, we named our car Murphy, because of Murphy's law, because everything that could go wrong, did. haha, but we tried/ are trying to make it fun, and it's working out pretty good. We had to move the 2nd ward sisters' apartment on top of both me and Sister Savage being new to 1st ward, and oh man, it was a comedy for sure!
But lessons learned from all this are still pending haha. My testimony of prayer has grown mightily to say the least, and not-surprisingly I've found a lot of comfort in the scriptures. I was reading in Alma 57:25-27, thinking about my faith, and how we all have trials of our faith, and how we have to trust in the Lord knowing that even though we don't know anything, He'll qualify us to do His work. As I was thinking about the stripling warriors, and how strong their faith was when they went to battle, and how in those verses it talks about how none of them were without wounds, and loss of blood; a realization settled in about obedience to the gospel. Even though our faith is strong, and we have knowledge of the impending doom of our trials that are coming, we aren't going to make it out of this life changed and BETTER if we don't receive some wounds. Nothing worth fighting for has ever come at a comfortable price, or has come without sacrifice... and I'm out here to learn as I teach, it's not anything incredible that I have to sacrifice, but the meaning of it to me as I try my hardest to turn my will to God's is without price. That's pretty amazing, and it's worth all the homesickness and stress and craziness the world has, because Christ already paid the price, and it is in Him that we receive our strength.
I love you all an I hope you get to find your strength this week in whatever battlefield you find yourself feeling battered, broken, or bruised in. Remember you are never alone, and that Christ has already paid the price for you. You're gaining experience that will help you to progress into what He knows you can become, and you have a very unique opportunity to be able to learn so you can also help others. One of my favorite hymns says: "As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free!" always pray, for just one more day, in Him we find our strength and gain our freedom. The gospel is the good news, and His church is true!
From the front lines in the wilderness of the TLM,
with all of my heart,
Sister Lagrosa
1- Me and Sister Savage and Sister Jones trying to fit a table into our car... it didn't fit. :P
2- Me an my 2 besties... (that aren't dogs haha)... sad to leave Sisters Plante and Muaina in NM

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Chapter 8: "Come Back To Texas!" - April 7, 2014

Howdy howdy beloved family and friends!
I'm headed back to Texas, it's true, it's just not been the same since I went away! Lol. But yeah, I'm headed to Midland of all places!! I'll be in a different ward than I was last time, but, I'll be back in the same city! How neat, right? It feels a little like I'm leaving home for the first time... I know the Lord has prepared me for this next step, but I've just grown to love the people here so much, and it seems so weird that I'm leaving in the next couple of days! So. weird. ...even weirder that I'm leaving my first brown companion Sister Muaina! (I forgot what it's like to change companions every 6 weeks!) ... but I know that she'll take good care of Hobbs, and that Hobbs will be good to her. :D
So highlights of the week... basically everything is shadowed by general conference-- even riding our bikes in 20 mph winds! (True story). But yeah, we really learned a lot about trusting Heavenly Father's timing, and we did a lot of good service this week. :) And to top it all off, Justin came teaching with us! He is so cool, and I'm excited to come back to Hobbs for his baptism next year! :)
But, yes Conference was amazing! I loved the very first talk given by Elder Holland, on discipleship, and just the theme of keeping your covenants, remembering the power of the Atonement, and having a heart and attitude of charity and gratitude. So. Amazing. Two of my favorite notes I wrote down was: "All the easy stuff has been accomplished" and "The cost of discipleship is obedience."
I thought to myself man... life is not easy, but you're telling me all the easy stuff has already been accomplished!?! Then I remembered that our trials build us to receive a deeper understanding of our blessings, as well as strength to continue in patience and diligence to the future, more humbling and difficult trials we will face. Learning isn't always an answer to a question, it's sometimes just a deeper understanding of something simple, like Heavenly Father's infinite love. :)
That built on the next thing that really stood out to me in conference... Jesus Christ really lived His life in a truly charitable way. He wasn't all "pats on the head and go skip and pick flowers", but He was firm, and filled with love and kindness, while he instructed us sincerely. He told us the two great commandments: 1- to love God, 2- love your neighbor. and He told us HOW to love: "If ye love me keep my commandments". When we are saved by His infinite grace, on a daily basis, our love for Him and our Heavenly Father shows in our actions. Thus, He can be our perfect judge, reviewing the desires of our hearts and our works we show from those desires.
Faith is the power
Love is the motive
Obedience is the price
The Spirit is the key
Christ is the reason
That 5-line statement I discovered a few weeks ago on my companion's wall next to her study desk... if there is one thing I've learned out here as a missionary, it's that this is really just boot-camp for actually living a Christian life... and I hope to carry that little saying with me through the rest of my life. I am powered by faith, that's why I need to grow it every day; I feel motivated by love, as I continue to try and become like my Savior every day; I need to make sacrifices to be obedient to the Lord's commandments, knowing His ways are better than mine as I lean unto His understanding; The Spirit is the key to everything, He testifies of truth, softens hearts, and is the teacher as we bear testimony; and our Savior Jesus Christ, He is the reason for everything! Without Him, we would be lost, and Heavenly Father's great plan for us would not have been able to come to pass.
Truth is out there, truth is simple, and truth is the gospel. Christ proclaimed Himself: "I am the way the truth and the life." All truth testifies of Him, His sacrifice, and His resurrection. I know He lives, and loves me, and I know the fullness of His gospel has been restored to the earth today. I very much enjoyed Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis' talk about finding truth, and how we shouldn't "roam through garbage" :)
I hope you all get a chance this week to find some truth, or even a deeper understanding of it. Keep your eyes and ears open, but more importantly your hearts, spiritual truth is spiritually discerned, and we all have perfect spirits that are in great need of nourishment.
I love you all!
With all my heart,
Sister Lagrosa
1- Our goofy district <3
2- Love this kid SO much! S. Muaina and Me and Justin!
3- Our best friends Buddy, and Bro. S.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice!" - March 31, 2014

Dearest Family and Friends,
This was really one of the most exciting weekends of my life! And the week attached to it was pretty amazing too. :) But wow... I don't even know where to begin!
Blessings of Being a missionary this week:
#1 Sometimes knocking on the wrong door is knocking on the right one!
#2 There is truth to be found!
#3 Following the Lord's timetable is the ONLY way to go.
Okay, so we have a couple investigators right now who we met because we knocked on the wrong door, for two very different reasons. I think it's amazing that there are people who we get to meet in real life completely by accidental circumstance, and later we say "Oh yeah, that was God's hand for sure!" But as missionaries, we're in this one mindset, and those who are willing to receive us generally do recognize us more readily as instruments in His hands, and amazingly we have the opportunity to recognize them as blessings in our lives as well. Just carrying the name of Christ on our badges is one part, but really being able to take the time every day to carry His name in our countenances every day helps us to further the Lord's work, and appreciate all of His wonderful children we are blessed to interact with each day.
The quote of the week comes from one of the most sincere people I've ever had the privilege of speaking with, who we came into contact with this week. She said: "I don't want to be one of those people who doesn't see the truth when it's standing right in front of them! Like, I don't want to get up to Heaven and have God tell me 'Hey I sent them by to knock on your door like once a year!'" Oh man, that was good to hear, it was interesting too, as I reflected on reaffirming my faith, and always studying with a question to be answered. I know we can always learn more, and our faith can always be built upon!
My testimony of following the Lord's timetable has just grown and grown it seems the more I think about it. The Women's broadcast that we got to hear Saturday night was amazing, and I got a little misty while we were singing "Teach Me to Walk in the Light."  I just remembered the beginning of this journey I'm on, and that day that I was baptized, and my awesome seminary class sang my favorite hymn, which at the time I didn't even know was a primary song (that all the little kids learned). It reminded me of Christ's instruction to become as little children, or we cannot be saved in the Kingdom of God. We are all learning each day to walk in the light, now that is a gift.
In addition to the spiritual uplifting that came from the women's broadcast, and looking forward to General Conference this coming weekend, I really loved church this Sunday. We had Ward conference, so we were able to hear from some of the local leaders here in New Mexico, and it was wonderful. Our theme for the year is "Hastening the Lord's work" and I just felt so impressed by the talks that were shared that the time is now to reach out, and start realizing our capacity to love our neighbors and share the restored gospel... not only with those who have not heard about it, but also to those in our ward families who have fallen away from it, for whatever reason it is. This is the Lord's work, and it's all about "we", not "I". We have a great work to do! We cannot love each other without in some way realizing that we are each loved children of a perfect Heavenly Father, and we are able to do this work together! No matter what busy schedules, what unexpected distractions, the Lord will provide a way for His work to get done, and now is the time that His work is hastening! We can work together, and we can love each other more, and better!
Doesn't that feel good?
I know it can happen. :) By small and simple steps great things come to pass.
Oh man I wish there was more time in the world! But I hope you all get an opportunity this week to reach out in love to your neighbors, not just the ones that live next door, but especially the ones that are your brothers and sisters all around you, and don't forget the family you live with too! ;)
I'm really looking forward to General Conference this weekend! I know that as we bring questions to these inspired meetings we will receive answers, just as we do when we bring questions to the scriptures.
I love you all, and I hope you have an amazing week.
All my heart,
Sister Lagrosa
1- Awesome tan lines from walking outside. :)
2- Me and my awesome friend who shaved my head :)
3- Us and Pat, one of the best wrong doors we ever knocked. :)