Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chapter 10: "Keepin' it Awkward!" - June 23, 2014

Hello my dearest family and friends!

Since we are getting a new mission President next week, my 10th transfer started a little early, and good news: I get to have 7 more weeks here in the beautiful city of Midland (and Odessa :P), and 7 more weeks with my awesome twin sister-companion Sister Hoover! I told her she's REALLY lucky, because no one ever gets to spend this much time with me, namely due to the fact I usually can't stay in one place for too long :P I also told her she's definitely never getting rid of me, because to have me for 6 of the 14 months of missionary time I've had with 13 companions is kind of a big deal! I know without a doubt, if I was on Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa's plan, I would not have stayed in one place so consistently, I think it's amazing how the Lord really helps us to grow and stretch the different comfort zones we have. :D Anyway, I'm excited for even more miracles here, working more and more with the members to further the work, and keep being and loving my awkward missionary self! hahaha

Speaking of my awkward self, I thought that I'd put a sky picture with me in it, because well, I'm nice to look at, and Sister Hoover brought up a good point: "Your family doesn't care about pictures of the sky if you aren't in them!"​

Oh, man, so back to a little bit of serious-ness, this week was really amazing. People keep telling me I'm an old missionary (which makes me double old, because I'm a year graduated from college too!)... so I've been thinking about how I've been learning and growing over the past year, and two ideas came to my mind: 1st- wow this would be horrible if I'd not decided for myself to come out here! and 2nd- How could anyone go on a mission and not expect to change?

So, don't freak out about this being a horrible experience, because it totally is the opposite of that. A lot of life, and how you feel about it is based on perspective (this is true in any psychology study, but more true, and true first and foremost with the gospel--remember Job right?). So, the reason we should be doing anything in life is to grow right? Whether we are helping ourselves grow, or helping those around us to grow, we should be moving forward, and out here as a missionary, it's super structured (which is my favorite!), and all the growing we do is more easily recognized as the Lord's timing and not Sister Lagrosa's. It's really humbling, because out here, even though I'm comfortably in my own country, speaking my native tongue, etc. I still have very little control over what's happening in my life, and many days we go out, not knowing beforehand exactly what we are going to do...

If any of you know me too well, you know I'm good with change, I thrive in it, but, I like to have a game plan and a little bit of sight to know what's going on so I can be prepared for what's going to come... but I'm learning so much more out here how to trust in the Lord, knowing that He's got my back, and He's already paved a perfect path for me to follow.

One of the greatest things I've enjoyed as a missionary is the increase in love that we get to feel! I love love, all kinds of love, because everything is centered on Heavenly Father's love for us, and I know that's how I've learned my entire life. And this principle of love really came out this week, especially when we were talking with a family about how they can share the gospel more easily with their friends, and not have to feel weird about it.

We sat down with the family and Sister G described how she was having a conversation, and someone asked her a question, and then her mind went blank! I laughed a little because it reminded me of when I was visiting with my Aunt in Boston before my mission, and she asked me some questions about the gospel, and what I believe, really casually, but I just didn't know what to say... I mean I knew the answers, but I couldn't really talk good, nevertheless well, and I thought to myself wow... I'm going to be a terrible missionary! (don't worry, I'm better at talking now ;P)It's hard to share something that means so much to you and trust someone else to receive it, and care about it the same way you do. Or it could be awkward if there is a misunderstanding... there's so many things that can go wrong!

So to kind of get over a few anxieties, we role-played a casual conversation, I asked her about the Book of Mormon... if it was another bible (that misconception comes up a lot), and Sister G got a little tripped up on her words. So we paused and I asked her how she felt-- anxious, naturally. So I asked her how she felt about the friend she was talking with (the woman I was role-playing), and she said: "I like her, I mean, we're friends!" After a deep breath, we felt a little less anxiety, and then I asked her how she felt about the Book of Mormon. Tears came to her eyes as she described how the Spirit has testified to her of its truth and how it's changed her life, and helped her to understand her Savior, Jesus Christ better... I know if I wrote the words she said it wouldn't do justice for the love that was felt in that room as she spoke...

But that, that was amazing.

And I know that is exactly what this work is all about out here. The Book of Mormon is the word of God, beyond everything else, it helps us to know Jesus Christ better, and understand His redeeming sacrifice for us. It's really bold that I can say, because I know that book is true, I know that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet of God, and through him, Jesus Christ Himself, restored His church to the earth in the exact same organization He had when He organized it on the earth. I know we aren't out here as missionaries to take anyone's faith away, or say that no one else has truth, but it is a very bold claim to say that we honestly do have the fullness of His truth here on the earth today. God is a God of miracles, I mean, He works with imperfect people everyday, it's not too hard to believe right?

Instead of a scripture this week, check out this song from EFY 2011: "Hard to Doubt" (you won't be disappointed:)

With all my heart,
Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa

Awesomely awkward district picture... don't worry, it only looks like I'm punching Sister Hoover :P

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"I will goooooo, I will dooooooo!!​" - June 16, 2014

Howdy howdy my dearest family and friends!!

It has been quite the week! Lots of adventure, and lots of amazing miracles! I've been learning the primary songs, I'm pretty sure having a limited amount of musical variety has helped me increase in my child-age learning while I've been out here, and it's really re-established some of the awesome (and less-overtly Christian songs) that have stuck with me too (shout out to the Rocket Summer) :P

But yeah, lots and lots of goodness is happening in the world, and I've learned a lot of lessons this week! I struggled for a couple weeks with getting a lot out of my scripture study in the morning... which is pretty normal, scriptures aren't that easy to read, but, I've recently re-incorporated using the 12-step program to guide some of my studies, and it has been AMAZING!

Some of my new favorite verses are in 1Thess 5:16-18! And, as a cherry on top of this spiritually amazing ice cream sundae of spirit-filled-edifying studies, I got a shirt last week at Mardel (a Baptist-Christian Book Store) that says "Work Hard, Pray Hard" with those verses as the scripture reference on it too! (Completely unplanned, by the way!) Gotta love the tender mercies of the Lord. :) I also got an awesome shirt that says "You need Jesus. I'm just saying."

So moral of the story here: The scriptures are the best, and Christian t-shirts are hilarious... especially when you're a missionary, and the only time you get to wear them is when you're sleeping :P

But there was so much other goodness that happened this week too! We had some visits with a couple different members that haven't been able to make it to church lately, and we had an exceptionally amazing experience with one of them who has been sick for quite some time. She told us her story of how she came to be so sick, and I was really humbled by her story, and her humility. When she then told us she is now on some very borrowed time, all three of us were crying together. Through all of this beautiful woman's amazing words, tow things she said stood out to me: "...and the worst part is I can't make it to church!" and "I just don't want to become bitter."

After listening to just a brief part of her journey, it was sobering to hear her say that the thing she was most sad about was not being able to make it to her Sunday meetings, even though there was sadness in her story, she spoke with hope, and truth, and I felt a little more humbled (because I'm not sure if I've taken for granted the edification I've been receiving from being able to attend 5 hours of church each week).... and then to imagine this woman ever becoming bitter! That was the furthest thing from my mind while she was speaking with us... We read together from Moroni 7, where it talks about good and bitter fountains, and I really like the imagery of running water to describe us as individuals, because we have to be running/in motion to progress, and grow. And as long as we are searching out those fruits of the Spirit, and learning how to receive direction and guidance from the Holy Ghost, no matter how many times we have received answers... to just continue to listen and press forward, we will be a good fountain, producing that good water.

We also met a young woman who will hopefully be attending the YSA branch with us soon, and she's been on her own getting to church the last two years! This was amazing to me, because... I know, even though I went 'on my own' for... well always, and that church isn't the only way you can grow your faith, I had a some diligent friends that made sure I was doing alright when I didn't make it! She's been continuing to grow in those simple ways, church, prayer, scripture study, without that intense support for a good long time, and we're hoping the YSA will be a great tight-knit church family for her. :)

I've really grown in my testimony this week that we all have our own very specific trials that give us the opportunity to come closer to Heavenly Father, and I am SO grateful for them. Generally, not exactly while they are happening, but The Lord's giving me a lot of opportunity to continue to grow with that one, testing my faith on the daily! ;)

I know His plan is perfect, and simple, and even though I don't understand everything, it is good, and I know He loves me. His love is what life is all about. :)

I Thess 5:16-18

With all of my heart,
Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa

Okay, This is classic Sister Lagrosa putting food up here, but this was a PRIME gormet sandwich! :D

​We found this really sweet Cruella DeVil limo while we were driving to a member's house in Odessa, we also found some Zebras!! :D

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy 1-year/ "You are Dorks!" - June 9, 2014

Howdy howdy family and friends!!

I hope this day is filling y'all with as much joy as it's filling me with!

Oh man, it's been quite the week! We had a really jam-packed p-day with the other Midland sisters, an amazing last Zone Conference with President and Sister Augustin, and Sister Hoover and I hit our one-year mark on Thursday! It was a really HOTTTT bike day, we went over 20 miles probably, but it was soooo good! We were so busy that we just packed pb&js to eat while biking between appointments... but they all fell through and we were 5 miles from home, so we took a surprise dinner break on the front porch swing of our Relief Society President's house. :P

She saw us outside, and asked if we had rung her doorbell. When we said "No, we were just catching some shade" She said: "You are Dorks!! Well, if you need anything, water, snack, air conditioning, come on in!" hahaha it was good, and the ice-water she gave us was a huge blessing. It was definitely a very missionary-esque day for us to celebrate, literally everything we'd planned fell through, but we were really tired and happy by the end of it. :P

The bench we took our dinner break on in front of our relief society president's house, haha happy 1 year! :P​

Later in the evening, since we aren't supposed to play with fire, we burned little baby shirts sister Hoover cut out of another shirt, it was a good time. :P
​Burning the little shirts we made haha.

But yeah, the work is going really well. We cover a lot of area and work with a lot of members, but the Lord has really been blessing us as we've been learning!

Something that really stood out to me this week was truth, and looking/searching for and seeking out truth. I stumbled upon this quote by Austin Farrer: "Though argument does not create conviction, lack of it destroys belief. What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish."

This was really cool to think about as I reflected on an experience we had at a member's house on our 1-year mark! The 12-year old daughter Kaylee, shared with us an experience she had in school where she had to defend the fact that Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Mormon, but he translated it. The young man, her peer, who was arguing with her told her that she didn't know what she was talking about. She replied:
"I'm a Mormon, I KNOW what I believe."

This story really impressed me, and it reminded me of a Baptist man who told us to "Study the founder of your church" commenting on a biography, as he was disrespecting something about Joseph Smith's life.
I really did want to tell him that I do, every day, when I read the scriptures, because the founder of my Church is not Joseph Smith, He is Jesus Christ, and we learn of Him and His teachings through the scriptures...

Both of these instances reminded me that I really do need to search for truth, and not put anyone else down. Jesus Christ clearly states in the scriptures that if we are to DO the will of the Father we need to know the doctrine (John 7:10-18)... and I know that my faith is not just in the Lord's teachings, but it's manifested in how I act... which is slowly improving every day ;)

haha, but life is good. Truth is REAL. And I know with all of my heart this IS the Lord's work, and He's in the details of it, and His arms are outstretched to those who will receive Him! No matter where we are on our walk. 

I love you all, I hope your week is wonderful!

All my heart,
Sister Lagrosa!
​​My beastly bike Perry. Covered in duct tape to be protected from the transfer bus, and matches my purple water bottle I got for 3 bucks at the HEB! :D Sometimes I LOVE being a missionary! :D

The most beautiful sky in the world. Seriously, it may be the only beautiful thing down here, besides the people, but, it is pretty dang amazing, and I get to see it EVERY morning and EVERY night!!!
Lunch with the Midland Sisters at Souper Salad! Soooo fun!

Sister Hoover and I made car cookies again (in honor of our last Zone Conference with the Augustins) and they were received well! :D

​Sister Bradford, Sister Hoover, Sister Lagrosa, Sister Brown!
All celebrating one year! (Sister Bradford was my 1st companion and Sister Hoover my 3rd!! funny how things come full circle huh? Woot-Woot!!!)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

When I think Midland... I think bears! - June 2, 2014

Wow, it kind of feels like the Wizard of Oz! Twisters, lions, tigers, bears! ...haha, not really though, I was super lame this week, and didn't take like ANY pictures, except for this one while we were finding, and we found this tree that is completely bear-proofed!
(For those of you who don't know why some Texans put metal on their trees, it's because of squirrels, not bears, Sister Hoover enlightened us. :P)

Haha, well family and friends! I hope this letter finds you well!

It's been a crazy week, but it's been pretty darn amazing! We are working a lot, with our two areas, covering two cities, and doing a lot of finding, and we were finally able to get some more teaching opportunities this week! We met a young man named Jack who was fellowshipped by some of the YSA, taught the restoration by some elders in Odessa, and came to church this week! We had a lesson with him yesterday, and talked with him more about the Spirit testifying of truth, and how the message we share really does help our personal relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, so questions are very important! It was really neat, and interesting to hear from him, that he's basically just been told to believe his whole life, instead of spiritually searching for truth. Another testament that member-missionary work is the way to go, because Jack's new best friend is one the members in our little YSA branch.

It's fun to see how close everyone is to each other here, even though some of the members have their families around, they are all really close to each other, because our congregation truly is a family!

Speaking of family moments, we go out on splits with the Relief Society in our family ward on Thursdays, and we go out and visit some of the sisters in the ward, and we meet their families too so we can all get to know each other better. We were at a members' house, and were talking a little bit about childhood, and I brought up the fact that I can't remember a lot of mine... this conversation ensued:
Brother Shannon: "You can't remember anything? Were you in an accident?"
Me: "Yes, I was an accident."
Brother Shannon: "Can you tell us about what happened? Did you get head trauma?"
Me: "Do what? ...oh was I in an accident... not was I an accident... no I wasn't in an accident."
Sister Hoover: "Wow, that's embarrassing."

There is never a dull moment in missionary work! haha
And in the true nature of the crazy rollercoaster missionary work is, here is one more thought to leave with y'all this fine day, this is from a talk given by Elder Holland a few years back:
"Why is this so hard? Why doesn’t it go better? Why can’t our success be more rapid? Why aren’t there more people joining the Church? It is the truth. We believe in angels. We trust in miracles. Why don’t people just flock to the font? Why isn’t the only risk in missionary work that of pneumonia from being soaking wet all day and all night in the baptismal font? You will have occasion to ask those questions. I have thought about this a great deal. I offer this as my personal feeling. I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience. Salvation never was easy. We are The Church of Jesus Christ, this is the truth, and He is our Great Eternal Head. How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him?"

All my heart,
Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa