Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Let it shine, shine, shine, let it shine! :D - Sept 3.2013

Howdy family and friends!!
Okay, so, sorry this e-mail is a day late! ... It seems like these e--mails on the last week of the transfer are always late!!! But, it was a holiday yesterday, and no public computers were open! So we went the the Carlsbad Caverns at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park! This missionary is also a certified JUNIOR RANGER! awesome huh? :D Also another awesome thing about New Mexico, is that you can get green chilies on your subway sandwiches! They make them AWESOME! So, next time you're down here you gotta check it out!
Also, we inspired a blog! One of the members in our branch took our book idea: "Dinner with the Ericksons" and now it's her blog! Because their family is amazingly talented at cooking and we've had a lot of "Journal-entry-moments" at their house, we decided we'd make a cookbook/novel/memoir and name it Dinner with the Ericksons... now I'm gonna have to find a new website, for when we get to write the book.
And I know you're dying to know how fun-day went last week! And I'll let you know that I can see perfectly out of both of my eyes... as long as I have my corrective lenses :P But the day was not without injury sadly. I sprained my left thumb setting a volleyball, so I basically look like my hands are broken by the time I'm done getting ready for bed at night because of the tendinitis in my right wrist/thumb lol. But I got the good deal with injuries, my poor companion, Sister Hoover, tweaked her knee while attempting to catch a football, and we're getting it checked out on Friday when we are in Lubbock (because Sister Johnson is going to a mission leaders conference). 
Okay, so, wow. I'm like 5 days away from being a grown-up missionary! It's super weird to think that I've been in Dexter now, just a week short of 3 months! That's like an entire semester at BYU! ... and mom just sent me my mini-diploma a couple weeks ago, which reminds me that I don't have school to go back to! 
Anyway, Dexter is doing so great! We had SO many exciting things happen this week, I don't even have time to type them all (not that this computer would allow it anyway)!
First though: JOE!! :) MADE IT TO CHURCH! We actually had 3 of our investigators come to church on Sunday, which was perfect, because there are 3 of us, and we all got to take up a big bench in the middle (towards the back) of the chapel! :D Even better, Joe, Alonso and Mark all knew members of the congregation (because our members have been SO amazing and coming to lessons with us!) and they all want to come back! It's so wonderful, how present the Spirit is, especially during testimony meeting (which we had this Sunday!). :D 
Another awesome miracle that happened this week is we FINALLY got into contact with a couple of people who we lost touch with over the last few weeks. The first one is Jose. He stopped us while we were walking down the street in Dexter in July, and was like "Hey! You Mormons? yes... You have church around here? Not yet, but we go to Artesia. Oh, okay, bye!" We were like "hey wait! where do you live! Can we come talk to you?" (while thinking who are you!?!?) And we got his info, but his schedule at the dairy was crazy, and when we found him at home 2 weeks ago he said "Hey sisters! (which no one calls us lol) So glad you stopped by, my wife isn't home, but I know you're rules, can you come by tomorrow?" This only confused us further, and sadly we missed him the next day as well... and we JUST got to see him this week! It turns out he's a member, and he lost touch with church since moving here (which might be expected considering the fact we are in the country of the country out here!), but he and his family previously attended a Spanish congregation, so we're sending the Spanish Elders their way now. :)
And the 2nd miracle was when we were on splits (where we split into two and two) with Heather, from Roswell (right after Sister Hoover injured her knee). We went to contact Carolina, and finally caught her at home! It was so amazing to sit down and talk with her a little (the past month has been a little too eventful), and we got to know her better. Then I was able to teach her the entire lesson on the Restoration of the Church Jesus Christ set up when He was on the earth (or we just call it the Restoration for short)! It was so amazing, because while we were talking we could just feel the Spirit there, and she is really searching for truth in her life right now, and seeking to know her Heavenly Father better. When we were discussing the Book of Mormon, I was able to testify to her with all of my heart that I didn't want her to just take my word as truth, and that I really wanted her to know for herself by reading part of it, and then setting aside some time to pray to know it is true. She said: "Yeah, I'm going to do that!" before I could even ask her if she would! And then I said to her: "Carolina, I know your Heavenly Father loves you so much! And that He always answers His children's prayers, when you come to know that this message is true, will you be baptized by someone who holds the proper priesthood authority of God on the earth today?" And she said she would! 
I can't help but think back two months and remember how afraid I was to invite someone to pray to know for themselves if our message is true. And how even more afraid I was to invite them to act on their faith, and choose to be baptized. 
It's so, so amazing how powerful the Spirit is, and how He truly testifies of truth, and brings to remembrance what Christ has taught us! John 14: 26-27 and Moroni 10:3-5 help me to remember that every day as I re-establish my faith, and continue to build my testimony. Heavenly Father truly does love His children, and I'm overjoyed to be able to be just one of His missionaries here in good 'ol little Dexter, New Mexico, and share the good news with everyone I get to talk to! 

All my love,
Sister Lagrosa 

Picture 1: us at the caverns!
2: The District! :D
3: All the sisters in the Roswell Stake! during play day
4: my awesome bandaged sprain, and tendonitis brace


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