Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sometimes I'm Up and Sometimes I'm Down, Still My Soul Feels Heavenly Bound!- August 26, 2013

Howdy Family and Friends!

I just want you know that I love you sooo much, and missionary life out here in good 'ol Dexter New Mexico has been pretty great! :D
My personal Monday night miracle this week was actually from the scriptures! Lots of people seem to think that John holds the key to un-converting Mormons. There's been a few people that have been well-meaning (and a few that weren't), that have asked us to prayerfully read either the first verse of John or the book of John, and pray for understanding about it, because they don't think we know Jesus Christ. 
I keep thinking to myself that I'm studying it all wrong!
My testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restored church that He built while He was on the Earth is stronger than ever! I love reading about Christ's life, His Service, and His perfect example! I also love all of the records of the prophets that have testified of Him, and their records in the Bible and Book of Mormon. It is AMAZING to me how we can never have enough testimony of our Savior, and His Atonement. I mean, it is infinite, so it makes sense that no finite thing, like words, could describe it adequately right?
Anyway, gotta love miracles!
And speaking of miracles! This week was full of them!! We spent 1/2 our week on exchanges with the Sisters in Clovis and Portales, buuut, we still got to have some lessons here in Dexter, and even better, we were able to bring members from our congregation with us to almost 1/2 of them!
Exchanges were so great, and it was WONDERFUL to learn even more from the sisters up north, and to see how we've progressed as missionaries (3 of the 6 up there came out with Sister Hoover and I), and to meet with again, some of their investigators we met 6 weeks ago when we were on exchanges last chapter/transfer! It's been such a blessing to have Sister Johnson as not only a trainer, but a Sister Training Leader (she takes care of the Sisters in the NM part of our mission), because we've gotten to learn SO much about how being a missionary works outside of just the teaching part. :D It's so hard to believe that we are almost done training, and that next week marks 3 months that I've been set apart as a missionary!
When we returned from exchanges we were able to get straight to work, and we had an AMAZING discussion about the Plan of Salvation with some of our investigators! It is so comforting to know that our Heavenly Father knows and loves us each so much, and that we have answers to questions like: Where did we come from? Where are we going? and Why are we here? And we have these answers because of the restored gospel! Heavenly Father continues to guide us even today through a living prophet, and we have the Holy Spirit to testify of all truth! :)
And I'll finish up with Joe! Sadly he did not make it to church this week, but don't worry! He didn't die. There was just some family that he needed to attend to, and being the AMAZING man he is, he came through for them. We were able to meet with him twice this week! And each time we go and visit him, I'm just more and more amazed at how Christ-like he is, and how much more he is understanding about the gospel as he's inviting the Spirit more into his life. It truly is the small things, like reading from your scriptures every day (even just a verse, even if you can't completely understand what's going on), and praying every day, that show Heavenly Father you're trying. 
I know that even the smallest steps we take toward our Heavenly Father make Him so happy! He truly loves and knows us each infinitely and individually!
I'm excited for this next week! We have a play day on Thursday! We're playing baseball and maybe soccer (hopefully I don't get blinded again :P). But it's gonna encourage us to work even harder the rest of the week!
All my love,
Sister Lagrosa! 

1- A DAIRY out here, there's probably like 5-7 in our area
2- a cute comp pic!
3- SO MUCH watermelon!


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