Friday, March 18, 2011

happy st. patrick's day!

So exciting stuff today I discovered/ was introduced to this amazing store called WINCO by one of my girls in my ward Kara. She pushed me around the store in a kid cart, because I messed up my ankle today a little bit on my longboard haha. But it was SUCH a good time, I bought taro root there, and it was wayyyy exciting! We got some Arizona at the end and when she was pushing me toward the car a bump poked a hole in the can and it peed all over me! Sooooo hilarious, I was like "Ahhhh why am I wet?? Okay, I guess I get the Watermelon one!" hahaha

Anyway, YES, beautifullll day!

Also, I'm getting WAY excited for my talk on Sunday, church is so great, and so true, and brings so much joy into my life, and ah! it's so great! :D


Life is beautiful.