Monday, March 28, 2011

When life gives me marshmallows, I've gotta make rice krispy treats!

2 hours of work
+7.5 hours of class
+4.5 hours of studying between classes
= 14 hours on campus today!!!

It has be one CRAZY day, I finally got back on my longboard, first time since my fall the other day, and I boarded to work at 430AM, and naturally had to make some rice krispy treats, what would BYU do without me?? :P

Anywaysss, friendships have been on my mind lately, and people's emotional reactions to things. It is probably because I'm a psych major, buuuutttt yeah, it's even coming up in just talking to peoples. Including my mother, she is reading an awesome book called "The 5 Languages of Love" and I'd definitely recommend it to everyone! But yeah, in my Cognition class we're talking about how the brain processes emotions, and moods and stuff, and then in my Gender class we've discussed "the gendered friendships" and how society has like these different definitions for what makes a "good" or "healthy" friendship, and how that definition has changed over time as society has changed over time. It is so amazing how everything is connected, and how like, people are connected. How people are so much alike yet SO individualized never ever ceases to amaze me, and I just feel really lucky to have my school time be largely devoted to learning more about this stuff!!

In conclusion, I personally believe that (yes miss teen whats-her-face reference) being yourself is the way to go. For me when life hands me 25 lbs of marshmallows, I've gotta make trays and trays of yummy rice krispies, but you know some people just have to break out the roasting sticks, chocolate and graham crackers. Whatever you do, you gotta be you, friendships or otherwise.

God is great, [life] is good, and people are crazy!

aaaandd the church is true :]


  1. bahaha. heather i love you! and you're the best!

  2. :D I love how you change the lyrics to the country song. and you're totally right. Thank you for being you. Cause I love you! :D

  3. Ok I really really need to read that book! Too many awesome people have recommended it to me to keep pushing it aside! Thanks. :)
