So I'm finally out of the teenage years, it's like high school graduation, I love it! I feel like I'm 23, I've felt about 23 for the past six moths, and I think I'm going to feel about 23 for the rest of my life. I've been thinking lately about how much I've grown out of my adolescence since I've come to college, and I feel liberated today from all of the stigmas that come with angst-y teenage years. I'm feeling good, I've learned a lot, and I'm excited to know that it's only going to get better from here... not to mention more difficult, crazy and stressful, but it's really just going to be awesome... it IS awesome :P
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
This is my dad (...well step-dad, since I was 3.5 years old [so basically my whole life]) He is kind of awesome, and has taught me many wonderful things. Sarcasm is one of those things he taught me. And irony (notice the BYU polo yes?) (and this picture was taken in Vegas) (where there may or may not have been some gambling done in that polo) hehehe. Anyway, my dad is awesome, and he's taught me a lot and I have to give him lots of credit for getting me to where I am today. I love you pops! :D
God is great, life is good, people are crazy!
The Church is true!
280 days! <3
from uncharted territory to the most worn down pathways society has created... basically it's everyday life
...the next chapter has begun!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Days 21-26!
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
There is no picture here for the simple reason that I don't have enough memories, and I feel like I wouldn't be me without the few memories I do have, soooo, I can forget something without losing part of me right? Besides, it'd probably just be an embarrassing picture up here anyways, so there's no need to continue those times :P
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
I LOVE BASKETBALL! ... and while I'm good at coordinating teams and getting stuff together, I'm kinda, well, horredous at actually playing basketball. But I love it. Love hurts sometimes right?
'nuff said.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
When I wake up in the morning I feel a little above average height. Then I look in the mirror and I'm really short. I wish I was a little taller. But what can you do right?
Day 25 - A picture of your day.
I got to spend my day with my broskiii, we drove down to BOCA! And it took just about FOREVER to make it down there in his sweeeettt ride! :P
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Asking what truth is is like asking about reality. It's special and individual... only I can experience it for myself, only you can experience it for yourself. There can be universal truths, there are universal truths, but they aren't experienced in the same way by everyone. Seeking truth and understanding that my individual experience of it is just as valid as anyone else's is something that means a lot to me. :D
God is great, life is good, people are crazy! :D
The Church is true!
281 days!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
hawttt dawgggg (Days 15-20)
I'm an experience person, I want to experience the world before I die... so basically, just live. I want to be able to say that I had no regrets. Here's a quote by some famous person:
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
This is my girl!! Amber Sumsion. She is basically AHMAZINGGG! She served a mish, the first thing I ever learned about this girl is that she was on a mission and was supposed to go to Mongolia. But a year and a half later I'm rooming with this chick. She's kind of amazing (and by that I mean she's pretty luhhgittt!). She's seen me high and low and has supported me through all of it. Also she plays basketball like a champ, sooooo heck yeah! She's inspiring. I looove this girl
I've been writing memoir for a class called "Composing a Personal History" It, along with my writing class that I took this past spring semester has really lit a fire inside me because I just love writing so much... like for real, I've never spent so much time revising my work for anything, and this class is teaching me so much about myself and others. I'ts basically awesome, and writing is amazing, and it's definitely changing my life!
I'm a little bit anxious... well... a lot. It's difficult to be open about anxiety and deal with it honestly because sometimes it can be super debilitating. Buuuuutttt, plus side, I can be a little OCT (obsessive compulsive tendencied) because of it, and that kinda helps me stay organized. Still though, it's a little... well... insecure-making. lol
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little. (COMING SOON!!!)
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd like to travel.
So my mom's side of the family has a lot of Irish blood in it, and I've always wanted to just wander around the countryside. It's just so beautiful.
God is great, life is good, people are crazy!
The Church is True!
287 days!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Introducing: Morgan Leigh Johnson, my roommate, soul mate, fellow lover of fun... you get the point. :D Basically, we do crazy things, like kray kray... SO kray in fact that I'm not even allowed to post them online... but I can tell you, this picture was taken in the we hours of the morning, and I probably peed on the side of the road... :D
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
I think childbirth is disgusting. I love kids. I love babies. I'm pretty sure I'll find some enjoyment in being pregnant (mainly b/c I think I'm gonna be the cutest pregnant lady ever... buuutttt....) I hate childbirth. It is gross, it sounds gross, I feel gross when I think about it.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Hashbrowns + KETCHUP + Hotsauce = LOVEEE
Sadly, it's horrible for you though...
so it goes.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
I have way too many favorite bands/artist etc. But my all time favorite go to song will ALWAYS be "You're Making It Come Alive" by My Favorite Highway. It is simply life. In a song. It's beautiful, lovely and amazing. 'Nuff said.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Basically, I wouldn't have a life without this wonderful lady. This is my momma (I don't think I ever used "mommy" but whateves). I've always been her problem child (starting with labor pains on her birthday, all the way to suggesting I leave to go on a mission for 18 months!) Basically, I love her, and my job as her baby girl (to incessantly drive her crazy) has been pretty easy to do these past 20 years.
Now don't get me wrong, she drives me crazy too! With all the worrying and whatnot, but hey, she's my mom, it works for her. :P
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Love in Light
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
So, there is really not any one single person physically on this earth in particular who has gotten me though the most. Chat with me some time and I could drop half a dozen names of those who have profoundly effected my life in helping me through trials. My memory isn't the most complete historical record keeper in the world either, and I know that there are many occasions that I've been helped that I can't even remember. But, those who have answered my all of my crazy midnight phone calls, sat with me when I've cried, held me through a panic attack, have had patience with me when I couldn't articulate my thoughts or feelings, have let me crash on their couch, or in their bed, or who have given me a bedtime... I hope they know who they are, because, even though I can't really tally up those difficult times, I know they helped me when I needed it most.I also know that no matter what challenge I have ever faced, the reason I was able to get through it was because of love. Dark is always a term used when describing difficult times, and love brings light into life during the hardest moments. Everyone has the Light of Christ inside them, and I believe that that light gives us a power to put love in motion, and share it with those around us.
It's kind of amazing to think about because my personal love languages are touch and quality time. Sometimes it can be difficult for me to remember Heavenly Father's love, because my brain doesn't always comprehend that someone doesn't always have to be physically there to hear you (you'd think phones would help with that right?)... anyway, I'm just reminded every single day of His love through the Light of Christ in those around me.
Jesus Christ has gotten me through the most in my life. The truthfulness and reality of His love, His Atonement, His power, are testified to me every day in those around me... everyday He helps me.
God is great, life is good, and people are crazy.
The Church is true!
Keep spreading love.
<3 <3 <3
Monday, November 7, 2011
"Heather, don't drink that!"
According to MST it is currently November 8th, which means (1) it's day 8, (2) my roomie's birthday is TOMORROW and (3) I should definitely be sleeping right now.
But I just got done scrubbing the kitchen floor with my bear hands and about 12 clorox wipes. Soo, I'm takin a little break before finishing my last bit of homeworksiez.
Day 8 = a picture that makes you laugh.
This little beauty came from one of the BEST concerts I've ever been to. STYX!!! And, this dude was basically blacked out before REO Speedwagon finished their set. My girl Bekstrand and I though had a good 'ol time jammin' out with the old folks... and this drunk dude. Thank goodness he was with his parents though, so they could drive him home safely. lol
One of the best quotes of the night though was from Bekstrand when this dude and his friend were climbing over the back of our seats. The other guy handed me his beer so he wouldn't spill it as he climbed over and she told me "Heather, don't drink that!"
.... this might just be funny b/w me and Bekstrand, but, I mean, I drove to the concert, I don't drink, and we were having too much fun laughing with everyone around us at how wasted these guys were. ohhh, good times, gooooood times.
Also, another reason why this picture makes me laugh is because we spent the night at Bekstrand's parent's house because the traffic was HORRIBLE on the way back to Provo, and I realized Saturday morning when I woke up on Bekstrand's floor that I'd been wearing the same clothes for like 36 hours, and I was covered in glitter... not unlike Ke$ha... just sayin'. :D
God is great, life is (sooooo) good, and people are (way to) crazy!
The Church is True!!!
299 days :D <3 <3 <3
But I just got done scrubbing the kitchen floor with my bear hands and about 12 clorox wipes. Soo, I'm takin a little break before finishing my last bit of homeworksiez.
Day 8 = a picture that makes you laugh.
This little beauty came from one of the BEST concerts I've ever been to. STYX!!! And, this dude was basically blacked out before REO Speedwagon finished their set. My girl Bekstrand and I though had a good 'ol time jammin' out with the old folks... and this drunk dude. Thank goodness he was with his parents though, so they could drive him home safely. lol
One of the best quotes of the night though was from Bekstrand when this dude and his friend were climbing over the back of our seats. The other guy handed me his beer so he wouldn't spill it as he climbed over and she told me "Heather, don't drink that!"
.... this might just be funny b/w me and Bekstrand, but, I mean, I drove to the concert, I don't drink, and we were having too much fun laughing with everyone around us at how wasted these guys were. ohhh, good times, gooooood times.
Also, another reason why this picture makes me laugh is because we spent the night at Bekstrand's parent's house because the traffic was HORRIBLE on the way back to Provo, and I realized Saturday morning when I woke up on Bekstrand's floor that I'd been wearing the same clothes for like 36 hours, and I was covered in glitter... not unlike Ke$ha... just sayin'. :D
God is great, life is (sooooo) good, and people are (way to) crazy!
The Church is True!!!
299 days :D <3 <3 <3
My life is just, like, one big run on sentence, that never stops and has so many tangents and it kind of gets a little ridiculous, also I love commas.
So, my lack of posts this weekend were a direct result of editing a research paper. I was told by many people that I love commas too much. So it goes.
my lovely roomie Morgan and I made bread!! :D
It was Italian Bread with delicousness in it and we dipped it in oil and vinegar! Ohhhh yeahhh
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
I really don't have a favorite memory, buuuuttttt
I was once afraid of stingrays!
This summer I held that fear in my hands, and let me tell you... it was so stinkin' liberating, like, me and this super pregnant stingray just chillin in the ocean. SO LEGIT! I've held a STINGRAY in my hands!! ... they really are a lot like puppies :D
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Okay, don't hate... I know she kind of looks like she might smell bad, but I think it'd be interesting to trade places with this chick who sings my theme song (Crazy Beautiful Life)>
Besides I've got the glitter herps too, and I've been referred to as "the Mormon Ke$ha" on more than one occasion. Also, my lovely roomie Morgan calls me Kesh all the time!
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured possession.
Soooo since happiness, joy, quirkiness, love, the Spirit, craziness etc. cannot be pictured exactly. And since my I don't currently have a sweet picture of my scriptures.... I'd have to say that my cow... Twister is my most treasured possession.
I don't even remember how long I've had this little guy, but he's been with me through sooo much! (Even, as you can tell, overnight road trips and like such as). He is currently sleeping over with my girl Codi, but I visit him every day! :D He's the best cuddle buddy ever, and I feel like a little kid when I do this, but you know how people like hug pillows or something when they curl up/ want to get comfortable, well I always give my little cow to someone if that time ever comes up. Its just like a little bit of instant love. Also "It's so fluffy I'm gonna DIE!" :D
great movie.
And I leave you with these things on this day the 7th of November 2011. I'll try my best to continue keeping up, but now it's back to homeworking and researching and like such as. :D
Also, 300 days! ohhhh yeahhhhh
God is great, life is good and people are crazy!
The church is true!
<3 <3 <3
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Not Enough Hours in the day!
So I decided that a picture of the cast of a TV show would be a waste of time, as I'm not the best at keeping up on them, aside from Community (which is currently disappointing me), so I decided that I'd just give you a picture of my stressed out face instead. :)
So quick breakdown of the 14 hours between 8am and 10pm
7.5 hours of class
2.5 hours in the testing center (ON ONE TEST!)
2.5 hours studying
1 hour walking around (because I left something at home I had to go back for in the middle of the day
.1 hours eating food
.4 hours naptime
now I have to finish the 2nd revision to a paper, study and work.
oh, also, the reason I look jaundice-y in this particular picture is because I live in a CAVE, a cave lit by yellow artificial lights, where its dark, and the heater never turns off, but loves to blow out cold air in the middle of the night. It's great!
haha, okay, not really, but it will be funny one day in the future when I don't live in a building older than my great-grandparents.
And this, is my life.
God is great, life is good (yes, it is even with the scarcity of hours in the day!), and people are crazy!
The Church is True!
<3 <3 <3
So quick breakdown of the 14 hours between 8am and 10pm
7.5 hours of class
2.5 hours in the testing center (ON ONE TEST!)
2.5 hours studying
1 hour walking around (because I left something at home I had to go back for in the middle of the day
.1 hours eating food
.4 hours naptime
now I have to finish the 2nd revision to a paper, study and work.
oh, also, the reason I look jaundice-y in this particular picture is because I live in a CAVE, a cave lit by yellow artificial lights, where its dark, and the heater never turns off, but loves to blow out cold air in the middle of the night. It's great!
haha, okay, not really, but it will be funny one day in the future when I don't live in a building older than my great-grandparents.
And this, is my life.
God is great, life is good (yes, it is even with the scarcity of hours in the day!), and people are crazy!
The Church is True!
<3 <3 <3
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Me and Jacy :)
This is my good friend Jaclyn, and she is definately someone I've been closest to for the longest. I met this chick when I was 13, and a cute little freshman in high school! I don't know why but for some reason she took a liking to me and, well, we've been tight ever since! She's saved my life in a couple of ways, and I've almost single handedly given her seperation anxiety. (If we aren't seperated, she gets anxious :P... oh that never gets old!) Good 'ol Jacy, a shining light in my life. This girl is a big part of the reason I want to serve a mission! Namely, because she introduced me to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but also because she invited me to attend with her! Not to mention she answered like all of my questions and sat with me during a bunch of missionary lessons. She taught me about Christ through being an awesome example of Him, and that's probably why she's stayed friends with me for so long. Haha, but naw for real, this girl rocks my life :)
God is great, life is good, and people are crazy!!
The Church is true!!
(305 more days!!)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
A Picture of Yourself & 15 facts
- My name is Heather Ann, the name was supposed to be my mom's until my grandpa changed it at the last moment
- I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- There are only 306 days until I can turn in my mission papers
- I'm half Filipino and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!
- I have many passions in my life.
- Writing is most definitely one of them
- I'm currently studying Psychology (major), English (minor) and Family Life (minor) at Brigham Young University
- I love people, and aspire to get a PhD one day so I can have the 'street cred' to build a good rep as a therapist/counselor
- I feel as if I'm 23 years old, and I don't think that will ever change.
- I break social norms on the daily, and basic rules of decorum don't always apply to me. (I still don't understand this)
- I radiate heat and light. Like the sun! Which happened to be my Halloween costume!
- I always wear a bracelet that says "I am a child of God" (also it glows in the dark and is AWESOME!)
- My favorite color is purple.
- My second favorite color is sparkles.
- I own exactly 53 bandannas and approximately 20 pairs of sunglasses
- (BONUS FACT!) I should be studying right now.
God is great, life is good, people are crazy!!!!
The Church is true!!!
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