So, my lack of posts this weekend were a direct result of editing a research paper. I was told by many people that I love commas too much. So it goes.
my lovely roomie Morgan and I made bread!! :D
It was Italian Bread with delicousness in it and we dipped it in oil and vinegar! Ohhhh yeahhh
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
I really don't have a favorite memory, buuuuttttt
I was once afraid of stingrays!
This summer I held that fear in my hands, and let me tell you... it was so stinkin' liberating, like, me and this super pregnant stingray just chillin in the ocean. SO LEGIT! I've held a STINGRAY in my hands!! ... they really are a lot like puppies :D
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Okay, don't hate... I know she kind of looks like she might smell bad, but I think it'd be interesting to trade places with this chick who sings my theme song (Crazy Beautiful Life)>
Besides I've got the glitter herps too, and I've been referred to as "the Mormon Ke$ha" on more than one occasion. Also, my lovely roomie Morgan calls me Kesh all the time!
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured possession.
Soooo since happiness, joy, quirkiness, love, the Spirit, craziness etc. cannot be pictured exactly. And since my I don't currently have a sweet picture of my scriptures.... I'd have to say that my cow... Twister is my most treasured possession.
I don't even remember how long I've had this little guy, but he's been with me through sooo much! (Even, as you can tell, overnight road trips and like such as). He is currently sleeping over with my girl Codi, but I visit him every day! :D He's the best cuddle buddy ever, and I feel like a little kid when I do this, but you know how people like hug pillows or something when they curl up/ want to get comfortable, well I always give my little cow to someone if that time ever comes up. Its just like a little bit of instant love. Also "It's so fluffy I'm gonna DIE!" :D
great movie.
And I leave you with these things on this day the 7th of November 2011. I'll try my best to continue keeping up, but now it's back to homeworking and researching and like such as. :D
Also, 300 days! ohhhh yeahhhhh
God is great, life is good and people are crazy!
The church is true!
<3 <3 <3
YESSS. I feel like a SUPA STAR on this blog post. WHY AM I SO FAMOUS?!?!?!?