I'm an experience person, I want to experience the world before I die... so basically, just live. I want to be able to say that I had no regrets. Here's a quote by some famous person:
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
This is my girl!! Amber Sumsion. She is basically AHMAZINGGG! She served a mish, the first thing I ever learned about this girl is that she was on a mission and was supposed to go to Mongolia. But a year and a half later I'm rooming with this chick. She's kind of amazing (and by that I mean she's pretty luhhgittt!). She's seen me high and low and has supported me through all of it. Also she plays basketball like a champ, sooooo heck yeah! She's inspiring. I looove this girl
I've been writing memoir for a class called "Composing a Personal History" It, along with my writing class that I took this past spring semester has really lit a fire inside me because I just love writing so much... like for real, I've never spent so much time revising my work for anything, and this class is teaching me so much about myself and others. I'ts basically awesome, and writing is amazing, and it's definitely changing my life!
I'm a little bit anxious... well... a lot. It's difficult to be open about anxiety and deal with it honestly because sometimes it can be super debilitating. Buuuuutttt, plus side, I can be a little OCT (obsessive compulsive tendencied) because of it, and that kinda helps me stay organized. Still though, it's a little... well... insecure-making. lol
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little. (COMING SOON!!!)
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd like to travel.
So my mom's side of the family has a lot of Irish blood in it, and I've always wanted to just wander around the countryside. It's just so beautiful.
God is great, life is good, people are crazy!
The Church is True!
287 days!
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