Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Be Thou Humble"/"Adventure Is Out There!" - October 14, 2013

Howdy Family and Friends!
It was quite the week here in the TLM for this missionary! We bought boots on Monday, and were a little disappointed when it was really warm this week, but then yesterday it POUREDDD! I guess that's how winter goes here, it's a little cold, VERY windy, and the rain comes down!
Sadly though, there aren't many/ANY street gutters for the rain water to wash away in, so some of the roads become rivers! I was driving yesterday, and it kind of felt like we should've been canoeing instead!
So, yes, besides the crazy weather, this week was full of miracles! One of the sisters (Sister Fife) over in the 1st ward, (we are in 3rd ward here), had an appendectomy on Wednesday! It was truly a miracle that she made it that long, because she just thought she had the flu on Monday. Sister Turner is the Sister Training Leader for our little area of the mission, so we were in Monnahans on exchanges with the Sisters there when we found out Sister Fife was in the hospital! We drove back on almost no gas, but we were able to see her and have one of her companions stay with us for the night while she was in the hospital with her other companion.
It actually worked out really well to have 2 sets of trio Sister Missionaries here, because we're switching off staying with Sister Fife while she is recovering for the next week. It's humbling to know and experience that God is a God of miracles, and that He really is looking out for all of His children.
This really was a theme I saw this week. Heavenly Father's timing is PERFECT! ... and it takes a LOT of faith to trust it sometimes. When we were in Monnahans on splits with the Sisters there, it was amazing to witness the beautifully orchestrated timing that was SO apparent as there were 6 missionaries working in that town for the day.
When we returned to Midland, well, clearly Sister Fife was a miracle, but there was also beauty to be found in the timing we had as we were able to meet with our investigators we've been working hard to contact.
We taught Chris this week about the Plan of Salvation! Well, the first part of it. We spent a long time talking with him about why we are here on Earth and why there are so many hardships that good-and bad- people have to face. It was amazing the Spirit that was there as we testified to Chris about the joy that truly does come from this gospel. As we come to understand that relationship we have with our Heavenly Father and start walking that path back towards Him, we are able to get through EVERYTHING. We are meeting with Chris again tonight, and we are hopeful and excited to share with him more about where we go after this life, and the comfort that truly does come from the scriptures, as he continues to study them and pray to know if what we are teaching is true, that he will find that peace he is searching for in his life.
One other miracle that came to us this week was Anetta! We met her when we were walking around an apartment complex and she prayed with us. We saw her and read from the Book of Mormon with her on Friday, and Sister Tooley and I went back yesterday (while Sister Turner was with Sister Fife), and she didn't read the chapter we had left with her before because she had given her copy of the Book of Mormon to her daughter to read!
As we read from 3 Nephi 11 with her, we had the most amazing discussion about baptism, Christ's Sacrifice for us, and I was just in awe at the humility and truth that Anetta radiated. When we talked about baptism and how Christ walked 40 miles to be baptized by John the Baptist, who held the proper priesthood authority to baptize, she expressed how she knows that baptism by full immersion is how it should be done. This isn't always the case down here, with many different churches. I asked her if that was something that she desired -- to be baptized in the same way as Christ, and with the proper authority from God. She said yes, and I was able to testify to her that this is the great message we have to share. That the proper authority from God is again on the Earth today! We shared with her Moroni's promise in the back of the scriptures (10:3-5) and I promised her that as she reads and prays to know the truth, she'll get her answer that this book is true. And as she comes to know it is true, she will be able to strengthen her relationship with Christ so much more, and that we can help her to work towards baptism.
Being a missionary is quite the adventure, and I'm so grateful for those humbling moments that help me to remember my God that much better.
I love you!
~Sister Lagrosa
1- Me and Sister Fife at the Hospital
2- Me and Sister Tooley trudging through the rain while Sister Turner was with Sister Fife
3- Our street, which is actually a river.
4- I may have a peanut butter problem. I've eaten like 3 of those jars since I've been a missionary!

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