Monday, October 28, 2013

Eatin' Elk - October 28, 2013

Howdy Family and Friends!

Transfer week is ALWAYS eventful! And the start of Chapter 4 was a good one!
When we got to Monahans, we went to work, and when we got home for dinner, we had Elk meat in our refridgerator! So, we've been eating some elk, and it's amazing.
But even more amazing has been meeting the wonderful people of Monahans! Our ward members are so amazing! I guess, members are always really nice to the Sister Missionaries, but it still never ceases to be wonderful! :D
Both Sister Rose and I were able to have an opportunity to stand up and bear our testimonies in sacrament meeting to introduce ourselves to the ward, and it was really great. On top of that, we were also able to teach our Gospel Principles class, as a companionship, during Sunday School, and it was all about prayer!
I just love how it's really just a deeper understanding of the simple things that really build our testimonies. There were many experiences shared during that short hour that testified of miracles, and Heavenly Father's perfect timing (while not necessarily our preferred timing), in our lives. One testimony that was particularly strong came from a woman who's returning to the church, and her family was recently baptized this year. They've been falling on some difficult times, and she testified of how much strength and Spirit come from prayer. She also testified about how when things just get a little too rough for her during the day, she alwaysjust turns to the scriptures, and she can find her comfort.
This week has been very humbling for me. I love how much joy there is in the simple things, and how great it is that Heavenly Father really uses imperfect people to move His work along. I am more and more amazed at His grace and love every day I'm out here, and I feel really grateful to be even a small part of His work.
All my love,
Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa!
1- My dream boots, I might purchase for my birthday? :D
2- Sister Hymas with our new best friend (an adorable puppy!) we met in Grand Falls!
3- Me and Sister Rose just brushin' our teeth, so we can smile big.


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