Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Texas Twisters and Trails of Faith - May 27, 2014

Hello hello family and friends!

So you can't see it that well, but there were some really dark clouds back there, and I got to witness the convergence of two storm fronts yesterday evening! So luckily, with the libraries closed yesterday, you get to hear about it today!
Don't worry (mom) there wasn't actually a tornado, but it totally COULD have happened, and we were grounded safely inside the church for awhile, in case we did actually have a tornado. We lost some of our p-day and proselyting time, but it was really neat to see two cloud-fronts converge on each other, and I got to learn more about the weather!
Highlights this week consisted of me losing another bike race to my awesome companion, and remembering again why the word of wisdom is so great, while I was puffing some albuterol. :P But also, being in two congregations full time is really interesting. And since our YSA branch covers Midland AND Odessa, I can now officially say that all of the areas I've served in connect! ... even though it'll take you all day to drive through them haha!

The most amazing part of the week though was church, for sure! Having an overlapping hour is a little bit stressful, but the spiritual upliftment is wonderful, and I'm glad I was prepared last transfer to be able to handle it now.

There was a question posed in or gospel principles class that got me to thinking:
What does faith in the Lord Jesus Christ mean to you?

My immediate reaction was: What does it not mean to me!?!?! ...I was promptly annoyed with my answer, because that doesn't lead to any good conversation. But then I really got to thinking, and the realization that I had was amazing. My faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, it really DOES mean everything to me, it gives me purpose and CONFIDENCE in Heavenly Father and His perfect plan. Without Him I would never fulfill my potential. As we continued to discuss truth and the Spirit I thought more. Before I came to know my Savior I kind of wandered around picking and choosing what I thought was good and would fit... trying to find happiness, but it was really confusing... and there's a lot of junk in the world to try out. Since I've come to know my Savior I've learned I don't have to pick and choose, His truth is here in it's fullness, and He wants to give it to me FREELY! I have answers to ALL of my questions, in His time, and because it's been given to me freely, I now have a responsibility to share what I've received... and it might not be in the same way it was given to me, but I know, with all of my heart, might and mind, because of my faith in Jesus Christ, that it truly is by small and simple things that GREAT things are brought to pass. I'm a pretty special puzzle piece in the bigger picture of life, and He'll help me find exactly where I belong.

Alma 37: 6-7 and 2 Nephi 28:30 have been coming up a lot lately in lessons, studies and just in my thoughts, and it's really amazing how faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is that first principle of the gospel, the first principle in receiving the fullness of the restored gospel, because we really DO come closer to Him as we do those simple things like reading, praying and going to church. As we grow closer to Him, we have that desire in us grow to make and keep eternal covenants or promises with Him, and our hearts and minds reach a place where we are willing to receive help down that path that is sure, that Christ walked already for us.

The gospel is truly the good news!

I'm glad we get to chose to live it every day!

I love you all, keep searching for the Lord's hand in your life, and make sure you give Him thanks for all He does ;)

All my heart,
Sister Heather Ann Lagrosa

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